Singing Guide: Martin Smith feat. Holly Roe

Singing Guide: Martin Smith feat. Holly Roe

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Martin Smith's Vocal Technique

Martin Smith is a British singer, songwriter, and guitarist, known as the co-founder and frontman of modern worship band Delirious?. Over his lengthy career, Martin has honed his singing technique, developing a unique style that emphasizes emotion, passion, and authenticity. In this article, we'll explore how to learn to sing like Martin Smith, highlighting his vocal technique and recommending practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Unique Vocal Technique

One of Martin Smith's unique vocal features is his ability to convey deep emotion and passion in his singing. This is in part due to his intense focus on breath control and his use of dynamic range. Singers looking to emulate Martin's technique should work on breath support, using the exercises provided in Singing Carrots' Breath Support blog post. Additionally, using the "Vocal Range Test", singers can identify their unique vocal range and compare it with Martin's, using this information to develop their own range using warm-up techniques like sirens and descending scales.

Martin Smith's voice is also characterized by a unique timbre, with a husky quality in the lower range that develops into a more powerful sound in his upper range. Singers learning to sing like Martin can develop a robust vocal range by utilizing Singing Carrots' "Pitch Training" tool, which provides both visual cues and practical exercises to help develop vocal power and control.

Another critical aspect of Martin Smith's technique is his ability to perform with authentic emotion. This is not something that can be taught in a traditional sense, but singers looking to emulate his style can utilize the "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" article to better understand the emotional connection required in singing.

Songs Showcasing Martin Smith's Technique

One of the best ways to learn to sing like Martin Smith is to examine the songs that showcase his unique vocal style. Some of his most impactful songs include "Obsession," "Majesty," "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever," and "Shout to the North." These songs provide excellent opportunities for singers to explore their range, practice their breathing and dynamics, and develop authentic emotional expression.

Practical Advice and Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

In addition to the tools outlined above, there are a few practical pieces of advice that can help singers learn to sing like Martin Smith. Firstly, good posture is essential, as it allows singers to breathe better and get more control over their vocal range. Singing Carrots' "How Posture Affects Your Singing" article provides practical tips for maintaining good posture while singing.

Finally, practicing with a consistent, disciplined approach is key to developing a powerful singing voice like Martin Smith's. Singers can utilize Singing Carrots' "Three Minute Warm-Up" video to develop a warm-up and practice routine that builds consistency and discipline.

Singing like Martin Smith requires dedication, practice, and attention to detail. By developing good breath control, exploring your unique vocal range, analyzing songs that showcase his unique style, and using Singing Carrot's practical advice and tools, you can take important steps to mastering the technique of one of modern worship's most iconic singers.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.